The best kind of surprise

 Have you ever gotten swept away with life and just forgotten something kinda important? Like that cup of coffee you made 5 hours ago or to take the laundry out of the washing machine? And now you’re stuck with cold coffee and smelly laundry that definitely need to be rewashed…

I did that recently. Minus the laundry. And the coffee. Well, maybe the forgotten coffee. That’s a fairly regular occurrence. But I digress. 

I completely forgot that I’d put Shadow and Relics into the Global Book Awards just to see what would happen. Honestly, I didn’t think much would come of it so, you guessed it…I forgot. until I got an email saying the book was a finalist. What??? That was crazy to me! And then, about a week later, I received a follow up saying Shadows and Relics won the gold medal in its category. I couldn’t believe it! You could’ve knocked me over with a cold cup of coffee!

There’s no one I wanted to share this with more than you. Thank you for picking up my book in the first place and giving me a chance. I’m so grateful and humbled. 

Wherever you are, I hope you find a moment to raise a glass to celebrate with me (and I hope for your sake it isn’t full of forgotten coffee).